Has any of you readers ever tried to use Bing? What about Apple maps? Aren't they just fucking awful? What about iCloud for windows? 
I use Google not because I think they are moralistic and wholesome but because there isn't another choice without significantly gimping myself. There two backup services for windows are one drive and Google drive. The only worthwhile maps service is Google maps. The only worthwhile review service is Google reviews. The only worthwhile search engines are Google and DuckDuckGo. The only email that is any different is proton mail. The best assistant is Google.
Google makes the best stuff. But they are also a shitty company that loves to chip away at society's privacy. Don't even get me started on phone->app and phone->pc integration: Apple devices are fucking awful for using outside of other Apple devices. So until Apple makes gaming on mac good, or until kagi gets their shit together an releases the rest of the suite and a phone, or until a privacy focused linux ecosystem competitor comes along, I'm just gonna stick with a domain email as a failsafe and hope my Google account never gets banned for no reason, and assume that Google wont know anything I actually care about.
Bad solution, but best solution. I really wish Mozilla had email, phone OS, search, maps, reviews, notes, and cloud storage solutions, because I really like their browser.