My Tanks
14 Gallon Square (Jungle)
Medium and Large pebble substrate
Fake log with 'chia' style random seeds
Amazon driftwood chunk
15 gallon in-water filter
100w Pro Heater
75w Bar Light
14 gallon frameless square tank from PetCo
Originally 6 Guppies (dec)
4 unnamed females, giving birth to many fry before dying quickly
2 Males, one yellow and black named Bumble, one red and black named Gingy
Originally 12 neocaradina, some notables include
Popsicle, a rili shrimp
Jeremy, a female yellow and orange racing stripe shrimp (named after my friend Jeremy due to the racing stripe)
"OMG hes so pretty" wildtype that Cherry loves
Various black, blue dream, cherry, yellow, and wildtypes from the store and Cherry
Originally 3, then 6 more (2 died) Ghost Shrimp
5 Nerite Snails (Jeffery the Suisnail, Blacky, Horny, Smalls, and Unnamed Brown Snail)
Ramshorn pest snails
Bladder pest snails
10 Gallon Rectangle (Degobah)
Black Sand substrate
Fluval Stratum substrate
Lava rocks from my backyard (boiled to remove contaminants)
A small lego star destroyer pushed into the substrate to make it appear as if it has crashed
A 'breathing ring' made by my wonderful Cherry out of bubbler tube and hotglue to allow the Betta to breathe even when the top of the tank is covered with plants
10 gallon in-water filter
100w Pro Heater
75w Bar Light
10 Gallon rectangle framed tank from Walmart that was purchased a long time ago for lizards but repurposed for a fish tank
1 Male Betta named Zoidberg
2 Khuli Loaches
2 Baby Guppies (Pulled originally from my 14ga tank)
6 Ghost Shrimp originally, all but two died
5 Baby Neocaradina
3 Nerite Snails
Ramshorn pest snails
Bladder pest snails