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Remembering Configuration I Did Yesterday

I am finding it hard to remember shit that I did yesterday when it comes to the mundanities of computers. I often wonder if it is because I am good with them so most of these things I ought to remember are naught but passing thoughts, or if it is because I really don't care that much about it and push it out of my mind to make way for things I subconsciously think are greater (currently, playing Mechabellum). Oh well, time moves on ⌛

Remembering Timber Tom Part 1

Often times when nothing at all is going on I tend to have a drink. Usually vodka, straight, and only because I liked to get it down as fast as possible to skip the tasting part. Unlike my father, I think mixed drinks and cocktails are disgusting unless it's a kind of milkshake. I digress. This particular evening I decided that I wanted to archive my dad's facebook posts, as, in his later life, his facebook profile was a lot like his old website: a convenient way to share his thoughts with his friends and family. I think he really transitioned over only because it was more convenient and public, but the part that is unknown to me (and likely will be until I myself meet him in heaven or whatever lies beyond) is why there was such a large gap between Motman's Hideaway and Facebook dad, something like 14 years.

Like my dad, I carve out a place here on the net for myself in hopes that maybe one day someone will read this. Unlike my father, however, I have yet to live a full and rich life, knowing many people and doing many things, so the chances of someone stumbling upon this out of the blue is fairly unlikely. But, I hope, maybe, someone comes to look at my server tutorial for long enough and gets curious. Who knows...