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My dad was pretty cool part 1

There is a snowstorm coming in tonight according to all major weather services, and it looks like it's gonna be a big one. I don't normally really care about winter weather because my job is very accepting of working from home, but this time I am a little more conscious of it because a girl I am sweet on might be able to hang out, but I would have to drive in the snow to give her a ride (drats!). Prescott has a history of really overplaying weather (or underplaying / no-playing ???) seemingly at random, so I wanted to go check the NWS radar to be sure. I look at this thing and have little to no idea what is going on. Like, there is a large blob over LA, and there is a REALLY large but presumably not very bad blob (due to the colors?) over the area between Havasu and Prescott. I really have no idea what I am looking at. But my dad would have!

Forgetting the nuance of what I am thinking

I have put in my server setup description how I created this site and my workflow for uploading documents. The shorthand is that I use VSCode as a "FTPSSH" where I can text edit and automatically upload, then run a command to build the website. In order to keep track of what I want to write about, I have a file where I jot my ideas with 1-2 sentences of what I mean. I constantly do this, and I usually come back a couple days or weeks later to finish my thought. The problem with this is that I regularly have an idea about what I want to say and how I want to say it, but when I go to revisit it, it has lost all of the nuance, or even that it has changed significantly because it makes more sense in my head.

I really feel upset about this because in my head I really am the smartest man in the world, but on paper I think I am the dumbest. If only they could see what is inside my head!

What makes work stressful (and why my job is more stressful than my father's, despite being far easier)

The other day I got to thinking: why are jobs difficult, and, more importantly, what makes jobs stressful? Stress means different things for different people, with some being stressed about social interaction, some stressed about the moral or societal implications of their job, others with the amount of effort and time they need to spend, etc. but I would like to propose an interesting personal comparison: my father's job as a California Forester, and my job as an IT/Tech Support/Web Design Grunt.